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7-2 Final Project II

7-2 Final Project II

Q HSE352 Final Project 2 Guidelines and Rubric Overview In this course, you will explore various theoretical approaches to counseling techniques used in substance use disorder treatment. As you continue working toward your degree, you will develop a counseling approach for clients with substance use issues. There are two final projects for this course, both of which will give you a chance to develop and demonstrate this counseling approach. For the first part of the final project, you will apply different theories and approaches to the final project case study and then develop an integrated approach using selected theories and their methods. In the second part of the final project, you will conduct a mock client interview that will capture your ability to communicate effectively with clients. You must find someone willing to play the role of a client with a substance use disorder; your client must fill out and sign the interview consent form before you complete the interview. You will assume the role of a counselor, and the other person will assume the role of the hypothetical client. You will need to record your interview (with audio and video, or with audio only) and submit the file (or a written transcript of the interview). It is highly recommended that you submit an audio or video file, if possible. After completing the interview, you will write a brief paper in which you evaluate your performance during the interview and determine where you can improve as a counselor. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes: • Illustrate the effective use of a counseling approach by communicating with a client in a positive therapeutic manner • Evaluate one’s counseling approach for how effectively it develops a therapeutic alliance with a particular client Select one of the scenarios below to use as the basis of your interview. Scenarios Imagine that you are a counselor in an outpatient counseling center who works primarily with clients dealing with substance use disorders. You have many clients across the continuum of care. Please select one of the following scenarios to provide the context for your interview. Once you have selected a scenario, determine a theoretical counseling approach to meet the client’s needs. 1. A sixteen-year-old client is starting to fail her courses because she is worried about her father, who was diagnosed with an alcohol use disorder. Her mother is divorcing her father. The client admits to binge drinking to “forget” all her problems, but she doesn’t think anyone has noticed her drinking. However, a week prior to this session, the client blacked out and missed a performance of the school play she was participating in, which prompted her to visit you (without her parents’ knowledge). This is your first session with this client. 2. A twenty-five-year-old client has a mild cannabis use disorder. His parents and significant other are upset that he is occasionally high. The client says that he needs to smoke pot because it relaxes him. The client has been late for work more than once. He comes to you because he is sick of the nagging from his parents and significant other; however, because marijuana is natural, he does not see any problems with his behavior. (Be sure you understand the issue of cannabis use disorder before choosing this scenario). This is your first meeting with this client. 3. A thirty-year-old client in your caseload has successfully completed a residential program recently, but now she states that she is having trouble and wants to use heroin again. She has just learned that her sister has been diagnosed with cancer, and this has triggered her wish to use heroin. This is your third session with this client. Prompt Review your chosen scenario and determine the theoretical approach you would apply while working with the client. Then, ensure that you have the interview consent form completed prior to beginning your interview. Your interview should last approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Even though this does not cover the length of a full session, you must ensure that within those 10 to 15 minutes you have a chance to demonstrate the elements listed in critical element I below. Once you have completed the interview, review the recording and evaluate your own performance as a counselor. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Counseling Interview: Your interview must demonstrate positive therapeutic communication, including all of the following elements. A. Illustrate empathy and reflection by validating the client’s perspective and withholding judgment in your verbal or written communication. B. Logically establish client-centered goals to illustrate progress toward behavior change. In other words, your session should demonstrate a natural progression toward shared goals for effectively changing the client’s substance use behavior. C. Illustrate an effective counseling technique or procedure by effectively supporting the client in reaching established goals. For instance, this might include guiding the client toward the identification of motivations, actions, and/or the consequences of actions. The results will differ depending on which counseling theory you use. II. Self-Evaluation Paper: In this paper, you will evaluate your performance during the interview. Your self-evaluation paper will be submitted as a separate document. A. Summarize your counseling performance in the interview process. B. Evaluate your performance in this session. Your evaluation will break down into the following subsections, and you must cite specific examples from the interview to support your evaluation. i. Evaluate your counseling approach in the session. For instance, were the theories and techniques you used to prepare for this session effective for developing a therapeutic alliance with the client? ii. Evaluate your counseling skills in the session. For instance, what were your strengths as a counselor in engaging the client? When did you struggle to connect with the client, and why? C. Discuss your key takeaways from this counseling interview session. What were the greatest challenges in addressing the needs of the client? What would you do differently now that you have gone through this process? Milestones There are no milestone assignments; however, the journal entries and discussions are designed to directly contribute to the final projects. It is important that you refer to these assignments as you complete your interview and self-evaluation paper. Final Submission: Final Project 2: Interview and Self-Evaluation In Module Seven, you will submit this part of the final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project II Rubric. Final Project II Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your counseling interview should last 10–15 minutes (or take up 3–5 transcript pages), and your self-evaluation paper should be a 2-page Microsoft Word document, with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and APA formatting. You may use any tool to record your interview, including a computer webcam, a smartphone video app, a tablet video app, or any other audio and video recording tool. You can submit your interview via YouTube link, Vimeo link, Brightspace’s Video Anywhere, or as an MP4 file. Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value Counseling Interview: Meets “Proficient” criteria and Illustrates empathy and Illustrates empathy and reflection Does not illustrate empathy and 15.83 Empathy and demonstrates masterful ability to reflection for the client by for the client but does not always reflection for the client Reflection illustrate empathy and reflection validating the client’s validate the client’s perspective for the client perspective and withholding or withhold judgment judgment throughout the entire interview Counseling Interview: Meets “Proficient” criteria and Logically establishes client- Establishes client-centered goals Does not establish client-centered 15.83 Client-Centered Goals demonstrates masterful ability to centered goals to illustrate to illustrate progress toward goals to illustrate progress toward establish a natural progression progress toward behavior behavior change, but goals are behavior change toward shared goals for effectively change not logically established or not changing the client’s substance established in a natural use behavior progression toward shared goals Counseling Interview: Meets “Proficient” criteria and Illustrates an effective Illustrates a counseling technique Does not illustrate a counseling 15.83 Counseling Technique demonstrates masterful ability to counseling technique or or procedure with the client for technique or procedure with the or Procedure utilize counseling techniques or procedure with the client for supporting the client in reaching client procedures to effectively support supporting the client in reaching goals, but counseling technique is the client in reaching goals goals not effective Self-Evaluation Paper: Meets “Proficient” criteria and Summarizes counseling Summarizes counseling Does not summarize counseling 11.88 Counseling summary is exceptionally clear performance in the interview performance in the interview performance in the interview Performance and well contextualized process process, but summary is cursory process or contains inaccuracies Self-Evaluation Paper: Meets “Proficient” criteria and Evaluates counseling approach Evaluates counseling approach in Does not evaluate counseling 11.88 Counseling Approach provides sophisticated insight in the session, including the session, including whether approach in the session regarding the effectiveness of the whether the theories and the theories and techniques used counseling approach in the session techniques used were effective were effective, but evaluation is cursory or illogical or contains inaccuracies Self-Evaluation Paper: Meets “Proficient” criteria and Evaluates counseling skills in the Evaluates counseling skills in the Does not evaluate counseling skills 11.88 Counseling Skills provides sophisticated insight session, including strengths and session, including strengths and in the session regarding the effectiveness of the struggles as a counselor struggles as a counselor, but counseling skills within the session evaluation is cursory or illogical or contains inaccuracies Self-Evaluation Paper: Meets “Proficient” criteria and Discusses key takeaways from Discusses key takeaways from Does not discuss key takeaways 11.88 Key Takeaways provides sophisticated insight the counseling interview the counseling interview session, from the counseling interview regarding challenges faced and session, including greatest including greatest challenges session what would be done differently challenges faced and what faced and what would be done would be done differently differently, but discussion is cursory or illogical Articulation of Submission is free of errors Submission has no major errors Submission has major errors Submission has critical errors 4.99 Response related to citations, grammar, related to citations, grammar, related to citations, grammar, related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization spelling, syntax, or organization spelling, syntax, or organization spelling, syntax, or organization and is presented in a professional that negatively impact readability that prevent understanding of and easy-to-read format and articulation of main ideas ideas Total 100%

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A. Counseling Performance My counseling performance was good enough to ask all of the relevant questions from the client. For example, I asked client about her current problems, for which she replied that “I got a heroin addiction— but it wasn’t my fault. That cop was there waiting for me! I had three sips, just three. I needed to relax; I know I’m supposed to drink some other thing, but I was so busy talking to my sister. It had been so long since we got together. The kids and all, school.” B. Evaluate the Counseling Performance i. Counseling Approach As a drug abuse counsellor, I utilized the cognitive behavioral approach and cognitive therapy to assist the addict in recognizing the negative ideas and behaviors that are driving her substance abuse behavior.